Monday, January 11, 2010

the proper preperation for the prevention of problematic pug-splosions, part 1

In my recent care of a certain dog it has come to my attention that while some dogs shed their fur and some dogs are considered shedless and even as I'm told, hypoallergenic (though I believe the latter to be strictly a mythical creature like the Unicorn, Bigfoot, and handsome foreigners) there are some dogs who within a 24 hour period will cast off their entire frock of fur replacing it , seemingly miraculously, with a NEW coat all together. That breed of dog is known commonly as the Pug or in some circles the "ground Manatee","Darwin's Bane", or a "Missippi Genius"

So in today's wiki, I offer some possible solutions for you, Little bird, in your continued dealings with this evolution defying creature, in all it's adorable curiosity.

rabble rabble and ruv ruv... LB.... CHS

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