Saturday, January 23, 2010

Is that a Badger on your face or are you just super pretty?

Squirrels, and Badgers and Goats OH MY! It seems Little Bird that while MAC may be the solution to all things aging (or at least the masking of a natural and beautiful process that more advanced cultures regard as "maturing" *see also wisdom), it is NOT the answer to the inter-species harmony and humanest existence of mankind with our lesser brained but inarguably cuter mammal cousins, that one might initially THINK. As is made all too apparent in the saucy Seattle salesman's selling to you of a natural animal fur brush .
So. long live the long eared red squirrel, and hooray for synthetics! Also ruv ruv, you're pretty, and IMYF

Monday, January 11, 2010

the proper preperation for the prevention of problematic pug-splosions, part 1

In my recent care of a certain dog it has come to my attention that while some dogs shed their fur and some dogs are considered shedless and even as I'm told, hypoallergenic (though I believe the latter to be strictly a mythical creature like the Unicorn, Bigfoot, and handsome foreigners) there are some dogs who within a 24 hour period will cast off their entire frock of fur replacing it , seemingly miraculously, with a NEW coat all together. That breed of dog is known commonly as the Pug or in some circles the "ground Manatee","Darwin's Bane", or a "Missippi Genius"

So in today's wiki, I offer some possible solutions for you, Little bird, in your continued dealings with this evolution defying creature, in all it's adorable curiosity.

rabble rabble and ruv ruv... LB.... CHS

Monday, January 4, 2010

Universal Enjoyability redundantly overstated!

In honor of the honor, Little Bird, of your superiorly important importance, and the recognizably undebatable recognition being so appropriately bestowed upon you this evening respectively... Braggably Brag worthy as it is, and not to deny your undeniably heroic rise to the pinnacle of Orlando's elitist of elite braggarts, I offer you this wiki-bit of knowledge in congratulatory congratulations on having the entirety of an entire Studio of Universal Proportion being closed off from the public at large, tear soaked children and all, in your very honorable honor... My dear, you are the brightest star in the altogether impressively twinkling sky that IS Florida...

And so I give you your Wiki of the day
How to Do Up Universal Studios FLA Braggart style

So grab a Duff and ride that Simpson Ride like Santas little Helper, wrap yourself up in toilet paper and put one over on the Mummy in the midst of his revenge, see if the 4th Dimension of Shrek is any better than the horror of Shrek's 3rd, and most of all enjoy the shit out of yourself, and give me all the more reason to be jealous... IMYF & IWIWGTUSWY... RRLB

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Boba Pearls.. they come from SOMEwhere, RIGHT?

So LB, It IS Taiwanese!!! Your work cohorts should be proud!

Here then is all the goodness I could dig up-

The processed Tapioca (also known as Sago) Starch is the base-
but the Color comes from "Carrageenan" (a seaweed type plant)

"Boba" Pearls it seems, are the product of a very simple cooking process of

1.) Soaking the Tapioca flour in water (to make it palatable)
2.) Partially cooking it to a harder jelly consistency (adding the Carrageenan for color, and taste)
3.) Shaping the par Cooked Tapioca jelly into balls (using an extruder, like making pasta)
4.) followed by drying, further shaping and polishing with use of a tumbler
5.) Packaging and shipping to Lollicup or Teastations, or Whole Foods etc.!

The dark Tapioca pearls (or Sago Balls) are then ready to be boiled on site to finish the cooking process, then cooled and used for "Boba" or "Bubble" Tea to make us happy! (Hazaah!)

Wow, THAT took a LOT more research than you might think!... On to the NEXT mystery!