Monday, March 29, 2010

When LB was in Egypt Land... Let my LB GOoooooo

Shalom Little Bird, today is the beginning of a Beautiful holiday, celebrating the ending of the 40 years exile of the Jews and the coming of them to the "promised land" by grace of G-d to Israel. In honor of this important day in the Jewish Calendar I put together some links so that we might host our OWN Seder, or at the very least THINK about the food that we might have been eating HAD we hosted a Seder, while we're eating some single pan cooked vegetarian concoction that we have both come to enjoy of late. (but mmmm Matzo Pizza... could be tasty, RIGHT!!?!?... nah, you're probably right Taters and Ficken it is!!!)

So, I love, Spoon, Hoot, Home, L'Chaim and Shalom LB

rrr- BO

Funny, She doesn't LOOK Druish- Barf (RIP)
(scroll down to video)

The meal and the history

also, poor Sandra Bullock... it's a Shandeh...